Frequently asked questions
Appointments are only necessary outside of regular hours. During regular hours you are welcome to drop by whenever and it is first come, first served.
If you can’t make our regular hours or want to be sure to not have others coming in, we are happy to arrange an appointment with a few days notice (and dependant on our schedule).
99% of the time, yes! I stock a few varieties of glass and acrylics and can change out the broken glass for new.
Please note if it is larger than 32×40 inches then we will replace it with acrylic for safety.
Planning the frame can take anywhere from five minutes to half an hour. Some items are very clear on how they’d like to be framed where as others need more time and samples to be considered. Please allow plenty of time.
I’m so glad you are excited to get a lot of framing done! While I can understand the desire to bring it all in at once I recommend bringing in the first 3-4 items and then a few more when you pick up.
The design process involves a lot of decision making and can be overwhelming with too many items. However, if all the the items are going to be framed the same way, or hung together on the same wall, you are welcome to bring them all in at once.
No, sorry. I only do custom work. Feel free to see if Granny’s has any frames and then I can cut a mat, glass, whatever is needed and fit it all together for you.
As everything is done custom, generally our turn around time is 2 weeks -a month. This can be longer if things are out of stock/specific unique mouldings.
Need it sooner? Talk to us and we will see what can be worked out. There are a few mouldings that we stock for such emergencies. A rush fee may apply.
The holidays can be extra busy and the sooner you can come in the better!
When you come into the shop you’ll want to bring what you are getting framed. We will then work together to come up with a design for you frame. Don’t worry if you have no idea how you want it done!
The things we will have to decide include: the mat (if there will be one), the frame (also known as the moulding), what kind of glass will be used (conservation clear, anti reflective, museum glass, acrylic) and the style of mounting (I’ll tell you what is best and why). Don’t worry if this sounds like a lot! I will walk you through all of the options you will have and can tell you what I think the best option is.
Some questions to consider include:
Where will you be hanging it? If it is going to be somewhere like a bathroom it might need to be treated differently than a hallway. Likewise, if it is going above a child’s bed, we might not want to use glass. If you don’t know where it is going that is ok.
What is the value of the piece? An original work of art or very important sentimental item will have different needs than a mass produced poster that you just want to look nice for a few years.
No, sorry.
Cool, I can do that for you. Come on by, preferably with the frame you are fitting so I can double check the measurements.
If you are needing a mat it is helpful if you can bring the artwork as well so we can check the dimensions and pick a suitable mat.
Please, no body parts. I don’t want to frame hair, placentas, anything painted with body fluids, casts, dirty clothes, you get the picture.
At this time I also am not offering canvas stretching.
Otherwise, I am open to most things, although there are some items I will have to turn down due to the limited size of my shop or because physics is a reality.
Certified Picture Framer (CPF) is a designation awarded by the Profession Picture Framers Association (PPFA). To be come a CPF a framer has to have been working in a retail or wholesale frame business for a minimum of one year and then pass an exam. The written exam is a 3 ½ hours and proctored. It covers general knowledge, math, mechanical, mounting and preservation. To maintain the certification a recert class must be taken every 4 years.
Why should you care? The framing industry is ever evolving and best practices change as more research is conducted and products are discontinued. The way things were framed forty years ago is not an acceptable method today. At Vashon Island Framery we believe that it is important to keep learning to be able to provide the best for your framing needs.